
ba ba baba ba

I've found a coffeeshop that reminds me of chicago.

and gives hints of
ohio in the fall.

i think it has more to do with the surroundings and the buildings
than the coffee itself and it's close to classes.

driving down to sf,
even for better coffee (much better)
just requires the emergence of my loud engine.
and...i don't feel like that.

it's surrounded by these trees and the streets are
just the right size and just narrow enough.
it was man mad to look like an old city
when it's probably just a 20 year old road.

but i can always imagine its a grown up.

and i also enjoy brown sleeves with the simple logo.


oh, maker...

i was supposed to meet with jet tonight
but meeting in the morning
followed by a writing session where i completely changed two scenes...
in a way that completely changes the tone-
but in a good way.
i added a song.
we'll see.
just like a gay guy eh?

and why isn't janelle monae the queen of music yet? i'm still confused. lady gaga interests me- but janelle inspires me. hm,
God bless them
both, and i made some really great
chicken with cereal i had left over.
but i'm over cereal for breakfast.


who knew chicken and kellogs would work so well?
maybe rachel ray.
but she's a bit of an anomally yes?
with her 30 minute wine making sessions and perky
quips and quabs and acronyms and such.

God bless her.

Amen and Amen.


before tomorrow.

Things to do on 9 22
Look for a job
Room 509 10 to 1
look at cameras
and end the day with a smile.
or make an attempt to
and not a glass of wine
or a bottle of beer.

no alcohol til the weekends.
not because i can't do it
(i've done it)
just because its too tempting.
i don't drink that much
why do i even censor myself
because i want to prove i can?

on a lighter note- i finally made perfect poached eggs.

i am the winner.